Title Author Hits
Signs of recovery for Sonae Written by Redacción Hits: 737
New T-HDF/MDF line compensates weaker market for Eucatex Written by Redacción Hits: 567
Stable first quarter for Duratex Written by Redacción Hits: 588
TABLEMAC sales up 31.5% in first quarter Written by Redacción Hits: 646
New Berneck MDF plant Written by Redacción Hits: 797
Eucatex's will double laminated floor production capacity Written by Redacción Hits: 586
Duratex announces two new MDF production lines Written by Redacción Hits: 581
Norbord attacks government biomass policy Written by Redacción Hits: 603
Sonae Indústria awarded with Gold Mercury Sustainability Award Written by Redacción Hits: 584
Arauco Brazil launches Floorest, new laminated floor line Written by Redacción Hits: 633


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