New Alno begins series production

Abr 9, 2018 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

GERMANY – Neue Alno GmbH starts series production of a new range of kitchens called “Alnoactive”.

777ALNO The successor company of the insolvent Alno AG will offer series kitchens in the middle market segment. Company spokesman Markus Gögele expects retail prices of 4,000 to 8,000 euros. The production in Pfullendorf site is to start in the course of the month.

Currently around 320 employees are employed in Pfullendorf production site. The business of Neue Alno GmbH started two months ago after the financial investor Riverrock acquired the assets of Alno AG. Now the test phase in the production is completed and “Alnoactive” should establish itself on the market.

The New Alno advertises three weeks delivery time are available, much faster than other manufacturers. According to the company, the first kitchens produced by Neue Alno GmbH, which were manufactured as a project order, were shipped in early March.

At the production facilities of the Neue Alno, 4000 kitchen cabinets can be produced daily although it will take time to reach this volume. However, the announcement of the management team to start production again in the first quarter was fulfilled.


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