Scm Group ended 2019 with a turnover in excess of € 700 million

Jan 27, 2020 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

Scm Group ended 2019 with a turnover in excess of € 700 million

ITALY – The Scm Group ended 2019 with a turnover in excess of 700 million Euro, in line with 2018’s record figures and on budget for the year.

867SCM2 It was also in line with orders thanks mainly to the upward swing in the last few months, while the net financial position was an improvement on that of the previous year, standing at more than 70 million Euro. This is proof of the Group’s solidity.

2019 was a positive year in line with figures from 2018 across all the strategic markets, like the United States, and in each of the Group’s business segments (Scm for woodworking, Cms for other materials and Hiteco for hi-tech industrial components). The Group’s aim is to continue investing in order to consolidate the leadership of all the divisions in the respective fields of experience (from the furniture industry to construction, from the automotive to aerospace, from the nautical industry to the processing of plastic materials) and win over new market niches in rapidly expanding applications.

“Compared to the international economic context and general trend regarding the markets that concern us, we are extremely satisfied with recorded performance which proved even better than expected – highlights Scm Group’s General Manager, Marco Mancini -. To ensure these results continue, and to increase competitiveness within the current global context, the levels of investment need to remain high and we need to continue to push further on innovation, digitalization, customer support services and continuous training for our employees”.

“It is important to make forward-looking choices as was the case during the last intense year – comments the President of Scm Group Giovanni Gemmani -. This is why we continue to invest so we can further consolidate our position on the markets with solid subsidiaries. Both our products and services, as well as our skills, are constantly improving and this needs to become a way of life, our way of thinking and working every day, so we can face new challenges more confidently”.


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