Slight Increase in Peruvian Particleboard Imports in 2024

Jan 27, 2025 | Retail / Distribution | 0 comments

PERU – Peru’s particleboard / MDP imports from January to December 2024 totaled USD 139.62 million, reflecting a 3.8% increase compared to USD 134.46 million in 2023.

This growth was driven by a mix of changes in importer performance and shifts in supply sources.

Novopan Peru maintained its position as the top importer, with imports of USD 67.16 million in 2024, a slight decrease of 0.1% from the previous year. Representaciones Martín, the second-largest importer, saw an important  drop of 14.9%, with imports falling from USD 29.10 million to USD 24.76 million.

On the other hand, Maderas America experienced strong growth, increasing imports by 35.0% from USD 10.30 million to USD 13.90 million. Arauco Peru reported a decrease of 12.2%, with imports falling from USD 14.29 million to USD 12.55 million.

Inversiones Jocema experienced a dramatic increase of 510.8%, with imports surging from USD 1.41 million to USD 8.60 million. Grupo Yofasa also showed substantial growth, increasing by 175.1% from USD 0.88 million to USD 2.42 million.

Other importers, such as Maderera Invicta, Comercial Maderera Arrascue, and Tasmisa, experienced slight declines, while Homecenters Peruanos saw a 92.8% increase in imports, reflecting higher demand in the retail sector.

As for the origin of imports, Ecuador remained the largest supplier country, with imports totaling USD 68.60 million, almost unchanged from USD 68.58 million in 2023. Spain saw a notable increase of 21.0%, with imports rising from USD 28.94 million to USD 35.02 million.

Brazil also experienced growth of 5.1%, from USD 16.05 million to USD 16.86 million. Chile, however, faced a significant decline of 18.4%, with imports falling from USD 18.75 million to USD 15.30 million.

Imports from other countries, which represent smaller suppliers, experienced the largest percentage increase, at 80.4%, rising from USD 2.13 million to USD 3.85 million.

Overall, while there was steady growth in Peru’s particleboard / MDP imports in 2024, there were varying results across importers and source countries. Growth was seen in certain segments, especially with new and smaller suppliers, while some traditional suppliers faced declines.


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