Schuler Consulting, awarded as TOP Innovator 2021

Feb 8, 2021 | Markets | 0 comments

GERMANY – On behalf of Compamedia, the organizer of the innovation competition TOP 100, the innovation researcher Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke and his team examined the innovative strength of SCHULER Consulting.

919SCHULER The researchers used about 120 test criteria from five categories as a basis:

Promotion of innovation through the Top Management

Innovation climate

Innovative processes and organization

External orientation/open innovation

Innovation success

The core question is whether innovations are the result of a planned approach or a product of chance, and therefore whether innovation performance can be repeated. Moreover, it is a question of whether and how the corresponding solutions are successful on the market.

In view of the increasing demands on companies in the woodworking and furniture industry, innovation management is a very important issue for SCHULER Consulting. Schuler is pleased about the award as TOP Innovator 2021, which they see as a result of their innovation climate, to which every employee makes an important contribution. As an international consulting company, it is not only Schuler’s aim to respond to current megatrends such as digitalization and individualization, but also made it their mission to provide customers with the best possible support on their path to success through innovative solutions.

To achieve this, Schuler has established a structured innovation process in the company, through which they continuously initiate and advance innovation projects. In particular, they rely on strategic partnerships with our their-standing partners from industry and research, such as the HOMAG Group, WEINMANN, TH Rosenheim and many more. By combining their services with innovative technologies and third-party products, they thus generate new market approaches.


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