PERU – In the first quarter of 2019 (1Q-2019) Peruvian imports of Particleboard / MDP (PB/MDP) amounted to USD 23.34 million, which represented an increase of 14.2% compared to the same period of 2018 (1Q-2018: USD 20.45 million).
With an increase of 42.4%, Brazil was the supplier country that grew the most, reaching USD 3.37 million (1Q-2018: USD 2.37 million).
The main importing company in 1Q-2019 was again Novopan Peru, with USD 11.37 million (1Q-2018: USD 8.18 million). This represented a significant increase of 39% and a 48.7% share of the total imports of PB / MDP in the country in the period, an increase of 8.7 percentage points compared to 1Q-2018 (40.0%).
It was followed by Representaciones Martín with USD 3.42 million (1Q-2018: USD 3.36 million), which represented an increase of 1.8% and a 14.6% share of the total imported in the period (1Q-2018: 16.4%).
Maderas America was the importing company with the highest growth (258.0%) in the period, going from USD 392 thousand registered in 1Q-2018 to USD 1.4 million in 1Q-2019.