New RAL quality mark “Furniture – circularly sustainable”

Apr 11, 2023 | Markets | 0 comments

GERMANY – Anyone looking for new furniture can now make a sustainable purchase decision even better: The German Quality Association for Furniture (DGM) has developed the new quality mark “Furniture – circularly sustainable” and launched it together with RAL.


“The new RAL quality mark brings together all previous DGM requirements for the sustainability of furniture, supplements them in particular in the area of ​​the obligation to provide evidence for certified manufacturers and thus creates a holistically reliable guide for sustainable furniture purchases,” says DGM Managing Director Jochen Winning.

“Manufacturers and products should be as environmentally and climate-friendly as possible along the entire value chain and also meet many other quality and sustainability requirements,” explains Winning.

The first interested parties will be certified in the coming weeks and end consumers will quickly come across the new symbol in retail,” concludes DGM Managing Director Winning.


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