European Industries Invest Heavily in Robotics

Jul 17, 2023 | Markets | 0 comments

GERMANY – Industrial robots in Europe are on the rise: The European Union´s (EU) 27 member states installed almost 72,000 units in 2022 – up 6% year-on-year.  According to preliminary results, presented by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR).

1042ROBOTICA “The top five adopting countries within the EU are Germany, Italy, France, Spain and Poland,” says Marina Bill, President of the International Federation of Robotics (IFR). “They account for about 70% of all industrial robots installed within the EU in 2022.”

Germany is  the largest robot market in Europe: about 26,000 units (+3%) were installed in 2022. This was a share of 37% of total EU installations. Worldwide, the country had the fourth highest robot density, following Japan, Singapore, and the Republic of Korea.

Italy is the second largest robot market in Europe after Germany. An all-time high of almost 12,000 units (+10%) were installed in 2022. This was a share of 16% of total EU installations.

The robot market in France ranked third in Europe in 2022. Annual installations went up by 15% with a total number of 7,400 units.

Annual installations in Spain grew by 12% with a total number of 3,800 units. Robot installations in Poland reached a total number of 3,100 units in 2022 – the second-best result after the new peak level of 3,500 units in 2021.


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