Dexco announces start of operations at LD Celulose’s new mill

Apr 25, 2022 | Markets | 0 comments

BRAZIL – After more than two years of construction, LD Celulose recently reported the start of operations of the equipment for the production of dissolving cellulose.

980DEXCO2 1 LD Celulose S.A. is a joint venture between the Austrian Lenzing and the Brazilian Dexco (formerly Duratex), setting up one of the world’s largest dissolving wood pulp plants in the Triângulo Mineiro region.

The plant is located between the municipalities of Indianópolis and Araguari with an estimated investment of BRL 1.3 billion (USD 270 million); It will have the capacity to produce 500 thousand tons of dissolving wood pulp per year, in addition to 144 MW of clean energy.

The dissolving wood pulp produced by LD will be used in the textile industry and generate innovative, sustainable, and high-tech fabrics.

Even with the pandemic scenario of covid-19, the construction was completed on schedule, as a result of the expertise of shareholders Lenzing and Dexco and the commitment of workers and companies hired to execute the project.


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