ITALY – Ernestomeda is the first kitchen manufacturer to receive the certification of Italian origin “Made in Italy” of its furniture, issued by Catas and Cosmob, the two most important wood and furniture testing laboratories in the country.
Product safety and Italian origin are verified and documented regularly, as well as the location of production processes within Italy and product safety and durability yields, to provide accurate and reliable proof of continuous compliance of the products. The standard requires compliance with process and product requirements.
To meet the process requirements the significant phases (manufacturing processes of the unfinished component materials and the finished product, the final assembly and packaging) must be carried out in Italy.
In terms of product requirements, the finished products must comply with the minimum requirements of safety, strength and durability in accordance with the relevant technical standards, to which UNI 11674 refers (implies the national standard UNI 11663 that establishes the requirements of strength and durability for domestic storage furniture and the European standard EN 14749, which defines the safety requirements and test methods for storage furniture and countertops for domestic use).
After verification of compliance with all the necessary requirements, Ernestomeda was awarded the coveted and respected “Italian origin of furniture” certification mark, proving specific proof of the Italian origin and quality of its kitchen models.