(ITALY) – The Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan is recognized as the place where movements and trends that govern interior and furniture design converge.
Kronospan opens new Design Center in Warsaw
POLAND – Kronospan, the global leader in the production of wood-based panels and value added products for the interior design, furniture and construction industries, will opened a new showroom in the heart of Warsaw, in the new cosmopolitan business area overlooking the famous Grzybowski Square.
IKEA receives Red Dot Award 2018 for Product Design
GERMANY – IKEA has received a Red Dot Award: Product Design for Kungsbacka, the first kitchen fronts in the IKEA range made from both recycled wood and recycled plastic. The Kungsbacka kitchen is a more sustainable option without any compromise on quality, function, design or low price.
Interprint presents the Six Pack 2018 at ZOW
GERMANY – At the beginning of February, Interprint presented its new decors and particularly its current décor collection, the Six Pack 2018, at a newly concepted ZOW trade fair.
New Impress design office in Istanbul
TURKEY – In order to improve its proximity to customers and enhance the exchange of information, Impress opened its design office in Istanbul on 24 January 2018 together with their Turkish sales partner GIM.
Three German Design Awards 2018 for Egger
Marbodal wins design award
SWEDEN – The kitchen range Signatur Sandell Marbodal received the ‘Kitchen of the year’ award at the ELLE Decoration Swedish Design Awards 2018.
Ultra Violet is Pantone’s Color of the Year 2018
U.S. – Pantone, provider of professional color language standards and digital solutions, announced PANTONE 18-3838, Ultra Violet, as the Pantone Color of the Year for 2018.
Interprint Launches the Six Pack 2018
GERMANY – As it has become a much-expected yearly event in the woodworking industry, Interprint is presenting its new decor collection: the Six Pack 2018.
Kronospan pre-launched Kronodesign’s new Global Collection
CYPRUS – Kronospan has pre-released its new Kronodesign Global Collection during the Kronoevent 2017 in the historical centre of Nicosia, Cyprus.
Finalists Announced for the 2018 Salão Design Award
BRAZIL – The Salão Design Award, one of the most important product design awards in Latin America, is now entering its final judging phase, with the announcement of the projects chosen by the judging committee for the second phase.
Finsa wins an Emporia Award for Ephemeral Architecture
SPAIN – Conexión by Finsa, the exhibition that covers the life cycle of wood and reflects on how it connects with us, has been awarded the Emporia Selection for the best assembly of an ephemeral transportable and itinerant exhibition.