Promart advertising is again subject

Jun 1, 2015 | Retail / Distribution | 0 comments

PERU – The Peruvian home improvement chain Promart made an impact again with their advertising campaigns standing out in the category. 


Already in 2014 Promart had surprised with its emotional spot “Perfect Daughter” and now does so with humor and its new spot “Error or Genius?

The campaign, created by agency DDB Fahrenheit shows funny situations that can occur in some remodeling projects, from the fully incomplete door to the undecided tablet. As explained by Renato Arauco, Mauritius Loredo and Sergio Franco, of the DDB Fahrenheit team in interview with Mercado Negro magazine, “We decided to take these faults advisory and catalog them as art, so we created the concept: “Postmodern Home Artists” to identify these people and encourage them to visit Promart “.

Promart is a Peruvian chain of stores specializing in home improvement and part of Interbank Group. The network has 16 stores, 5 of them in Lima and the remaining 11 in Trujillo, Juliaca, Chiclayo, Piura, Huánuco, Cajamarca, Sullana, Cusco (2), Pucallpa and Huancayo.



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