Sadepan renews ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications

Ago 3, 2015 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

ARGENTINA – Argentine board manufacturer Sadepan Latinoamericana S.A. has successfully completed the renewal of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, quality management system and environmental management system certificates respectively.

sadepan-iso-9001-201508 sadepan-iso-14001-201508

The company explained in a statement to the press, “Sadepan has a commitment to quality based on the principles of ‘Continuous Improvement’ implemented since some time ago and that has been maintained through the quality management system under ISO 9001. This commitment began with the ISO 9001 certification in 2006, with successful renovations in 2009, 2012 and 2015”. Adding to this achievement, Sadepan recertified its Environmental Management System under ISO 14001, an environmental commitment held by Sadepan since 2008.

SGS was the certification body and these certifications are nationally accredited by the OAA (Argentine Accreditation Agency) and internationally by UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Services).

The company, a subsidiary of Italian Mauro Saviola Group, said, “Our current certifications GLOBAL SERVICES SCS Recycled Content V7-0; Quality: ISO 9001; Environment: ISO 14001; Occupational Health and Safety: OHSAS 18001, are positioning Sadepan Latin American in the way of developing a sustainable business serving the interests of all the different actors that are part of the activity in the company.”


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