Woodworking made izy will Exhibit at Ligna

Feb 12, 2023 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments


GERMANY – Woodworking made izy, developed by seven manufacturers of wood processing machinery over the last four years, will be present at the international woodworking trade fair Ligna.

1020LIGNA2 The seven manufacturers, Biesse, Buerkle, Homag, IMA Schelling, SCM, Weber and Weinig,  together with the German Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers Association (VDMA), will provide updates.

Woodworking made izy aims to define a standardized interface to connect all the woodworking machines manufacturers, machine to machine, and machines to the customers’ Manufacturing Execution Systems. This means no individual interfaces need to be programmed and an overall control of the production process is readily put in place.

Woodworking made izy offers an Open Platform Communication United Architecture data exchange standard for machine-to-machine communication, with a dedicated language developed for the woodworking industry that connects the production data with the overall manufacturing management. The dedicated language has been developed in cooperation with Umati (Universal Machine Technology Interface) offering customers an exceptional level of standardization.


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