Triple gold for reactive PUR hotmelt adhesive systems from Kleiberit

Nov 19, 2019 | Manufacturers Materials | 0 comments

POLAND – Every year about 500 products are submitted to the competition of the international trade fair organizer MTP-Group from Poland to receive an MTP Gold Medal (Zloty Medal).

859KLEIBERIT However, these awards are only given to products that meet the strict competition criteria and have been recommended by a jury. The jury is made up of a broad team of outstanding experts from various sectors of the market.

The jury attaches particular importance to innovation, technology, functionality, adaptability and efficiency. Furthermore, sustainable criteria such as certain environmental impacts, recycling or energy consumption are decisive.

The MTP gold medal thus symbolizes innovation, outstanding product quality and high relevance in the respective market. The award can only be given to products that have been exhibited at an MTP trade fair.

For the DREMA furniture fair, Kleiberit submitted three reactive PUR hotmelt adhesive systems. KLEIBERIT 707.6.40, 707.9.40 and 716.8.03 ME. All three were awarded the MTP Gold Medal for their outstanding properties.

In last 25 years Kleiberit has become a global trendsetter in the field of reactive PUR adhesive systems and significantly influenced the market with its innovative product ideas.


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