The “Smart&Human Factory” of SCM is born

Nov 19, 2018 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

ITALY – Automation through integrated robotics will be at the center of the “Smart&Human Factory” event that will be held from January 31 to February 2, 2019 at the Technology Center of the SCM headquarters in Rimini.

809SCMThis leader in woodworking machinery technologies will present its new systems, flexible, modular and easy to reconfigure, designed to respond in an increasingly efficient and fast way to the challenges of mass customization.

The motto of the open house, “You will never work alone”, perfectly illustrates the objectives of SCM’s new offer of: favoring automation as friendly as possible that, in addition to considerably simplifying the factory, making it more efficient, create a new model of interaction between man, robot and machine in open and safe cells. All this with the possibility of reconfiguring the production process whenever it is necessary to carry out, in a short time, lots “order to production” in increasingly smaller sizes.

A new factory ‘smart and human’ that also marks a progress in the way of working: the operator is freed from dangerous and repetitive activities and can dedicate himself to tasks with greater added value. For this, SCM will offer its clients a wide range of solutions. Including flexible cells that have industrial anthropomorphic robots to perform dangerous and low added value jobs. Collaborative islands in which man and collaborative robots (cobots) cooperate side by side, sharing the workspace in a safe way, without the need for fences or similar. Flexible interconnections of machining cells and assembling islands through AMR – Autonomous Mobile Robots – to manage and optimize just in time and just in sequence, all process logistic flows. Monitoring software Maestro Watch to manage the entire process and monitor the status of each of the products that are being worked on, from the start to the end of the journey. And the innovative platform “Master connect” that takes advantage of all the potentialities of the Internet of Things.

“The SCM open days – explains the director of the SCM Division, Luigi De Vito – will allow to live directly a new model of interaction between machine, industrial and collaborative robotics, logistics handling on land and software. A proposal to the vanguard, studied to solve all the critical points that causes the massive personalization and to favor a considerable progress in the work of the operator. SCM will show the new frontiers of automation, without forgetting the human factor, as indicated by the title ‘Smart&Human Factory’: our strength consists of being not only a supplier, but a partner always on the verge of helping its customers in their businesses”.


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