Technology, knowledge and services at Biesse Inside 2018

Nov 19, 2018 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

ITALY – Biesse inside 2018 edition, which took place from 17 to 27 October at the Biesse Campus in Pesaro, offered visitors a wide range of services and technologies of great value.

809BIESSEThis edition of Inside, that took place over the course of ten days, welcomed clients from both the wood and technological materials sectors in a highly professional environment that offered solutions and skills capable of responding to every need. Even in this climate of innovation, the event once again attracted enormous interest with the total number of visitors surpassing expectations and the attendance of previous editions.

The event gave visitors many opportunities to expand their knowledge with various interesting seminars offered and a technology 4.0 environment featuring robotic systems, IoT solutions, and unique high performance technologies that garnered enthusiasm. Once again this year Biesse affirms its desire to grow alongside and for its clients, with increasingly efficient services and increasingly high performance technologies.

Biesse also captured the attention and interest of visitors thanks to the opening of Biesse Academy, the area dedicated to the training of Service personnel, in order to provide clients the maximum skill required. “We thank everyone for the outcome of this new edition of Inside, all of the employees and partners that contributed to its realization, but especially the clients who continue to confirm the strong relationship of mutual trust in terms of professionalism and reliability which the Biesse brand represents,” declared Federico Broccoli, Director of the Wood/Sales Division & Director of the Branches Division.


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