SCM Presents “Stefani X” new  Industrial Edgebander

Nov 15, 2021 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

ITALY – SCM Group´s new industrial edgebanding machine has been designed to offer top quality machining on any kind of panel and material, to fully meet the needs of a connected and integrated digital factory.

959SCM The new “stefani x” industrial edgebanding machine has everything it takes to win over the market. Each detail has been designed to offer an extremely innovative solution and in line with the industry’s more complex demands: from the machine’s structure to the digital and electronic control systems; from the machining units with power assisted movement to the latest gluing devices, for an even faster, more efficient glue change.

The result is a highly configurable, customised edgebanding machine, designed to reliably work several shifts and capable of providing top-quality machining, both in the stand-alone version and in integrated cells or lines.

One other important advantage is its ability to achieve maximum quality standards easily and without interruption, even on the most delicate, state-of-the-art materials, thanks to SCM’s new electronic touch systems.

“This new edgebanding machine is a further advancement to accompany and support designer furniture businesses in optimising their production processes together with the technological innovation and know-how acquired by SCM in the edgebanding sector over a period of seventy years – highlights SCM’s Edgebanding Business Manager, Fabio Cernoia -.The new “stefani x” is proof that an edgebanding machine needs to be much more than a machine. In fact, it needs to be an all-round technological project that is highly configurable and versatile, where it is the quantitative and qualitative composition of the units that make a difference to the panel machining process”.


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