SCM presents its new IoT Maestro Connect platform at Xylexpo

May 14, 2018 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

ITALY – The main focus of SCM’s 3000 square meters stand in Xylexpo was on the new IoT (“Internet of Things “) platform, Maestro Connect, created to answer to Industry 4.0 current requirements.

782SCM1 Maestro Connect is a data collection and analysis system for SCM machines, design for control and optimize production processes. It allows the customer to have total control and guarantees an intelligent and punctual maintenance. The system offers different advantages, such as increased productivity and decreased downtime, continuous improvement and control of operating costs, lower maintenance costs and the ability to control parameters and machine performance in real time, at any moment and place, to be able to correct any fault at any time and in an increasingly punctual way (intelligent maintenance).

Attendees at Xylexpo were able to learn about the advantages of Maestro Connect in SCM numerical control centers for panels and solid wood processing.

Maestro connect joins the other solutions available from Maestro Digital Systems, the platform for services and digital products integrated with SCM process technologies for wood-working. Among them the multifunction and multi-touch newest generation wide screen (eye-M) control panel, the innovative system of maintenance and remote assistance with augmented reality glasses (Master smartech), the powerful and versatile Master suite, a system of complete software for any type and method of processing, as well as the Integrated Cell Simulation System in 3D virtual reality (Maestro xplore).

Digital Hub SCM also presented its latest software developments: the new version of Maestro cnc integrated in all work centers. Maestro square is also included, the latest addition to the Maestro Suite software suite, integrated in the celaschi squaring machines and designed to manage work programs and control the state of the machine showing performance data in real time. Other highlights were Maestro Cut and Ottimo Cut for advanced cutting management and optimization.



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