“SCM Live Show”: high tech for woodworking in action, in direct global streaming

Jun 9, 2020 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

ITALY – SCM, a leader in wood processing technologies since 1952, has chosen to present its latest technologies to all the industry experts and companies using new tools and state-of-the-art multimedia channels.

886SCM1 This is the aim of the “SCM LIVE SHOW”, the global event of the year, due to be held in direct live streaming from 30 June to 2 July 2020.

In an international context that sees key industry events being cancelled or postponed until the end of the year, SCM continues to offer all its support in terms of technology and know-how to the production needs of every wood processing business: from large industries to artisans, from furniture to windows and doors to joinery.

With the “SCM Live Show”, the Italian Group has prepared an extensive program of live link-ups and webinars which will allow participants to be a part of the technological change in progress, from all over the world via web, on all three days of the event and, above all, interact with SCM experts as in a real live TV show. From the Technology Center in Rimini and other Group plants, the experts will illustrate what’s new for each wood machining process as well as the most important market trends.

“We are experiencing a period of dramatic changes and SCM is transforming a need, that of maintaining relations with partnering businesses, into a genuine digital strategy” explains the SCM Wood Division Manager, Luigi De Vito. “Over the last few months, we have been doing this by continuing to guarantee and optimize all our maintenance activities, assistance and training remotely with our digital tools and services, and we do so with even greater conviction today, by organizing a unique event at world level such as the ‘SCM Live Show’. The technological innovation which has always distinguished SCM with its increasingly performing, flexible and evolved solutions, will combine with a communicative and multimedia innovation, ready to mark a new page in the history of wood processing”.

The numerous technological events taking center stage during the event – stand-alone cells and machines integrated with one another, dedicated to different application environments – will be capable of meeting the most varied production needs of secondary wood processing.

More detailed updates and information on the event program and the registration process can be found on the website https://www.scmgroup.com/en/scmwood/news-events/events/e112523/scm-live-show


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