New OSB line for Dieffenbacher in the USA

Apr 6, 2015 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

U.S. – Dieffenbacher received an order from Martco, LLC (a Roy O. Martin company) for a forming and press line as part of Martco’s recently announced oriented strand board (OSB) facility to be built in Corrigan, Texas.

Martco-201504 The facility is expected to employ 165 people. Construction is scheduled to begin in the summer of 2015, with start-up anticipated by the fall of 2017. Corrigan OSB, L.L.C. will complement Martco L.L.C.’s existing wood-product manufacturing plants in Oakdale, Louisiana (OSB) and Chopin, Louisiana (plywood). Accotrding to Dieffenbacher, this new plant is the first major green field project in the North American wood based panel industry in approximately 10 years.

The plant is the second Martco OSB facility to utilize a Dieffenbacher press line. A similar line is currently operating at the Martco facility in Oakdale, Louisiana, which was commissioned in 2006. The order further demonstrates Dieffenbacher’s strong presence in the North American composite panel industry. Dieffenbacher has been active in North America since its first installation in 1960 and has over 100 references in the United States, Canada and Mexico.


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