New design, new names and digital technology: the new generation of Homag machines

Feb 27, 2018 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

GERMANY – From 21 to 24 March at Holz-Handwerk Homag will debut with a completely new image: machines with a modern and innovative design, new unified and consistent product names, as well as machines compatible with the tapio open platform to submerge in the digital future.

771HOMAG1 In line with the motto “design meets digital,” all Homag machines are now even more intuitive to use and feature modern and unique designs. Thanks to this functionality-oriented design, the machine’s management becomes an experience that highlights even more the capacity for individual innovation. In addition, now machines and equipment are interconnected with the tapio ecosystem more quickly and easily and it is the user himself who decides if he needs to use this function and at what time.

Additionally, Homag has structured product denominations with greater clarity for customers. Now each machine indicates its function directly in the name. For example, visitors to the Homag stand at the Holz-Handwerk will find edging machines with the EDGETEQ designation, and all the sawing machines are named SAWTEQ. In this way, customers and anyone interested in the Homag product range will be able to find what they need much more easily.

This denomination process started at the beginning of 2017, when the Homag Group gathered virtually all of its existing brands under the Homag brand. The main objective was to facilitate and make the collaboration with customers even more efficient. Now Homag takes the next step with a revised brand identity for the whole group: to present its wide range of products to its customers around the world in a clear and transparent way.



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