Miraluz to be the First in Brazil to Utilize One-sided Gluing for Plywood

Oct 24, 2022 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

BRAZIL – Miraluz Ind. e Comércio de Madeiras Ltda in Brazil looked for a solution to reduce glue consumption and optimize manpower.

1006RAUTE2 They decided to invest in Raute Plywood Lay-up Line R3 which utilizes Raute’s one-sided liquid extruder gluing method (LEG). The line is expected to decrease glue consumption by up to 20% compared to traditional roller gluing. This will be the first LEG system delivered in Brazil.

With over 50 deliveries of one-sided-gluing plywood lay-up lines, Raute is the global leader in this technology. This was one of the reasons Miraluz chose Raute as their partner to try new technologies.

The line is expected to be in operation in the following months.

Raute is a global market leader in the plywood and LVL production technologies.


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