Kastamonu Entegre Commissions Dieffenbacher with Plant Relocation

Nov 21, 2017 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

BULGARIA – Turkish wood-based materials manufacturer Kastamonu Entegre commissioned Dieffenbacher to relocate a particleboard plant from France to Bulgaria.

759DIEFFENBACHER1In March 2017 Kastamonu Entegre purchased a particleboard plant from the insolvent estate of the French company Darbo. The plant will be relocated to the Kastamonu site in Gorno Sahrane, where it will replace a multi-daylight plant that is more than 30 years old.

Dieffenbacher will undertake the relocation of the plant, consisting of forming station, forming line, pre-press and a 42.4 m long CPS. The contract also includes a modernization and optimization package as well as a completely new plant control system. The plant was commissioned in 1996 and received a press extension in 2000. Its production of about 580,000 m³ of particleboard per year will significantly expand Kastamonu’s production capacity in Bulgaria and strengthen its presence in the Eastern European market.

The plant in France has already been dismantled. Re-commissioning at the new site is scheduled for the beginning of 2019. With the plant in Gorno Sahrane, Kastamonu Entegre now operates a total of four plants with continuous presses from Dieffenbacher.



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