Homag unveils new image at Holz-Handwerk

Apr 2, 2018 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

GERMANY – The German Holz-Handwerk fair, with an attendance that exceeded 111,000 visitors, was the setting chosen by Homag to present its new image.

776HOMAG1 1 The complete “makeover” of Homag included from a new logo and product structure, to a new generation of machines designed to be more intuitive and unique for the users, in addition to the recent strategic alliances in the area of automation: Kuka and Grenzebach.

The new logo and the modern machines design are in line with the motto: Design meets digital. “‘Design meets digital’ is the big topic that’s driving us forward at the moment. With our new image, we’re giving our digitalization offensive a new appearance. Our new look makes our intention clear for the customer — we are safely moving towards the digital future together with the customer,” said Andreas Denker, Homag Executive Vice President Global Sales & Marketing

Homag has also given the product names a clearer structure: from now on, the name of each machine will clearly state its function. For example, visitors at Holz-Handwerk can find Homag edge banding machines under the name EDGETEQ, and machines using saw technology are all now named SAWTEQ.

The Homag makeover was fully appreciated at its stand of just under 1800 m², where it demonstrated technical innovations and solutions. The exhibit included 30 machines and cells live in action, all of which tapio-ready, as well as new, digital products, customized software, and completely new services from the global service network.

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