Homag Group takes a 80% stake in System TM

Oct 12, 2020 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

GERMANY – The Homag Group, which is part of the Dürr Group, is making an acquisition to strengthen its position as a technology partner for sustainable construction using wood.

904HOMAG1 Homag is taking over 80% of the Danish mechanical engineering company System TM, which specializes in systems for solid wood processing and has sales of around € 30 million. The solid wood segment is a growth market: It deals with the manufacturing of glued cross-laminated timber (CLT) construction elements. CLT is regarded by the house-construction industry as a sustainable material of the future. Homag is already represented in this field through its Weinmann subsidiary.

“This acquisition is an important step for Homag in becoming the world-leading system supplier of production technology for the solid wood sector”, said Ralf W. Dieter, CEO of Dürr AG. “Our strong financial position enables us to make acquisitions and secure business opportunities for the economic recovery post-pandemic.” The Dürr Group has only recently increased its financial scope through the successful issue of a convertible bond for € 150 million.

Founded in 1977, System TM from Odder/Denmark employs around 130 staff. The company is a leading player with its machines and services for sorting, optimizing and finger jointing of solid wood elements. Its largest market is North America, where it generates almost 20% of its sales. Homag initially acquires 80% of the System TM shares, which come primarily from the Thoegersen family of owners. 20% will remain in the hands of the System TM management. The purchase price is in the low double-digit million euro range. The acquisition is due to become effective at the end of October and applications for regulatory approval have been filed.

As a part of the Homag Group, System TM will collaborate closely with Weinmann and cooperation partner Hundegger. Homag can thus cover a major part of the process chain in CLT production. Homag works with other partners on larger solid wood projects. System TM will benefit from the Homag Group’s global presence both in terms of service and when marketing its products. Additional synergies are expected in purchasing and technology.


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