Fire at Infodema affects 70% of its production site

Jan 11, 2014 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

CHILE – On the afternoon of December 31st a fire occurred at Infodema’s production plant in Valdivia, which affected 70% of its production equipment.

Infodema SA founded in 1942by Austrian entrepreneur Hermann Wind, produces and markets veneers and veneer plywood boards, with a clear focus on special products with high added value.

The company stated that the fire originated a one of the production stages and that although 70% of the production equipment was affected, it has similar equipment that could cover 50% of the production needs. The company is still assessing the full impact of the incident on its operations and in the next 60 days will have a complete evaluation of the final extent of the damage, financial effect and insurance coverage of the incident.



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