Colombian Imports of European Woodworking Machinery Down 26.6%

Oct 16, 2017 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

COLOMBIA – In the first seven months of 2017 (7M-2017) Colombian imports of woodworking machinery for wood panel processing reached USD 4.46 million compared to USD 5.29 million in the same period 2016, a decrease of 26.6%.

Homag Factory In the sample, which includes the most relevant european suppliers, the Homag Group occuppied the lead as the main supplier to the Colombian market with USD 1.55 million in 7M-2017, up 29.5% from USD 1.20 million in the same period 2016. Runner up was Biesse Group with USD 823 thousand in 7M-2017 compared to USD 874 thousand in the same period 2016 (-5.8%), followed by Putsch Meniconi with USD 681 thousand, an increase of 17.5% compared to same period 2016 (7M-2016: USD 580 thousand). The fourth machinery supplier to the colombian market was Holzher (Weinig Group) with USD 363 thousand in 7M-2017 compared to USD 459 thousand (-21%) of the same period 2016.

Colombia: Woodworking Machinery imports January – July

754Colombia Woodworking Machinery Imports 2017



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