Biesse Sales Up More Than 14% So Far This Year

Nov 13, 2017 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

ITALY – In the first nine months (9M) of 2017, the Biesse Group’s sales amounted to EUR 498.3 million, 14.2% higher than the same period of the previous year when they reached EUR 436.4 million.

758BIESSEThe EBITDA reached EUR 65.5 million, 28.9% more than in 9M16, which represented a margin over sales of 13.1%. The profit in 9M17 was EUR 28.2 million, an increase of 35.2% with respect to the same period of 2016.

Regarding the satisfactory figures, Group General Manager Stefano Porcellini stated: “The results for the period to 30 September and the trend for the current quarter indicate that 2017 will – once again – be a record year for Biesse Group, both in terms of revenues and in terms of profitability. All the business Divisions are expected to increase their market share, thanks to our customers growing confidence considering Biesse as the most innovative and reliable partner to join them in the INDUSTRY 4.0 challenge.”

The Group’s outlook for the last quarter of the year is very positive and it is projected to close 2017 with sales in the order of EUR 676 million, an EBITDA of EUR 83.3 million and a profit of EUR 37.8 million.


January – September (9M)

Biesse Group Results January September 9M 201711


July – Septembaer (3Q)

Biesse Group Results July September 3Q 201711









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