Biesse reports Strong Profit increase in 2021

Mar 14, 2022 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

ITALY – The Biesse Group, a global leader in the manufacture of woodworking technology, reported sales revenues of EUR 742.2 million in 2021 an increase of 28.2 per cent compared to 2020 and +5.1% compared to 2019.

974BIESSE An EBITDA of EUR 79.7 million and increase of 42.3 per cent compared to 2020.

Net profit reached EUR 34.2 million in 2021 compared to EUR 2.5 million in 2020.

“What happened in the last quarter of last year,” said the Group CFO Mr. P. La Tour “is a confirmation of the positive feeling that characterised the whole of 2021. The results approved show how Biesse has fully benefited from the global demand for capital goods, closing 2021 with volumes higher than those of the pre-pandemic period. Although this in itself represents a solid starting point, a prudent approach must be adopted for the future; the international scenario is characterised by unpredictable events that could undermine the foundations of a still fragile recovery. In this context, the positive outlookfor us loses much of its significance; despite the fact that the Group’s exposure is not significant in the geographical areas most at risk, it is unthinkable not to be affected by the uncertainties and instability that are contaminating international markets.”

The order intake for Biesse Group (machinery only) for the full year 2021 increased by 61.1% compared to 2020 and 41.9% compared to 2019.

At the end of 2021, the order backlog amounted to EUR 378.2 million (+78.3% compared to the same date of 2020 and +92.4% compared to the same date of 2019).




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