Biesse Record Performance in 2022

Mar 20, 2023 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

ITALY – The Biesse Group, a world leader in wood processing machinery and technology, reported record results achieved in 2022.

1025BIESSE2 Consolidated net sales reached EUR 822.4 million compared to EUR 742.2 million in 2021, an improvement of 16.4 percent.  EBITDA in 2022 amounted to EUR 90.6 million, 13.7 percent above the previous year (2021: EUR 79.7 million). The EBITDA margin improved slightly to 11.0 percent, compared with 10.7 percent in 2021. In 2022 Biesse achieved record performances in revenues and EBITDA, improving profitability quality. In 2022, net income (profit) decreased by 11.4 percent compared to 2021, reaching EUR 30.3 million.

On the 2022 results, Biesse CFO Pierre La Tour commented “The results achieved during the past year bear testimony to how Biesse has taken full advantage of the global demand for capital goods, closing 2022 with volumes that represent record levels and performances that are significantly in advance versus those considered in the Strategic Plan. This performance – which is per se very satisfactory since it compares with a year 2021 which was already exceptional – represents a solid starting point for the current year. Nonetheless, the current scenario imposes the adoption of a cautious approach. Persistent uncertainties on the international scene, characterized by unforeseeable events that could undermine the foundations of a fragile recovery”.

Geographically, the Group’s sales breakdown by macro-area at the end of December 2022 is: Western Europe 52.4% (2021: 51.5% ) – of which Italy 23.5% (2021: 19.9% ), Eastern Europe 13.8% (2021: 16.1%), North America 19.1% (2021: 16.5%),  Asia Pacific 12.2% (2021: 12.9%) and Rest of the World 2.5% (2021: 3.0% ).




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