Berneck and Pfleiderer choose Siempelkamp process control technology

Apr 8, 2019 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

GERMANY – Berneck of Brazil and German Pfleiderer, two of the world’s most important manufacturers of wood-based panels, have decided to rely on the Siempelkamp Prod-IQ® control system for all their systems.

827SIEMPELKAMP2 Just like the Duratex Group, which already implemented this technology, these producers rely entirely on Siempelkamp because of the flexibility and performance of Prod-IQ®.

The goal of Pfleiderer is to link the evaluation and performance analysis of the press and sanding lines to the SAP system, which has already been successfully achieved in Gütersloh and Neumarkt. The company is following this example with its facilities in Grajewo, Baruth and Wieruszów.

Berneck also uses Siempelkamp’s control technology solution expertise in addition to Siempelkamp’s machines. Berneck’s management has chosen Prod-IQ ® for the digitization strategy in the four existing lines and in the construction of the new plant in Lages, Brazil. In addition to the SAP connection of the press and grinding line, the scope of services also includes online quality monitoring by Prod-IQ quality.

With Siempelkamp’s Prod-IQ® the self-controlling wood-based material plant is no longer a vision. Sophisticated mechatronic system components enable fully automatic product conversion, highly reliable machine condition monitoring and unique quality assurance.


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