Autostore: SCM’s State-of-the-Art Spare Parts Warehouse

Aug 1, 2022 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

ITALY – SCM Group, world leader in wood processing technologies,  presents Autostore, the new automatic warehouse for spare parts operational since January 2022 and established in the area of the former Fonderia as part of renovation and upgrading work at the industrial plant in Rimini.

994SCM2 A futuristic project as is clear from the figures: 30 thousand items handled in a structure covering 900 m2 for a height of 5.5 metres, over 13 storage levels and with 24 thousand modular boxes capable of holding up to 30 Kg of pieces each.

The new system allows considerable gains to be made in terms of space occupied, if we consider that the traditional warehouse next door, for larger sized spare parts, contains 4,000 in an area that is more or less the same size.

Above all, it means SCM can provide a more efficient, better-quality service by speeding up by 75 per cent the pick-up operations and reducing dispatch times by 30 per cent. Every day, around 300 shipments are handled containing thousands of components with a maximum lead time of 48 hours from the time the order is placed.

All this is possible thanks to 19 robots powered by two 12-volt rechargeable batteries capable of picking up one piece every 45 seconds, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The other important advantage is achieving maximum energy efficiency and a long duration over time, with an energy consumption lower than 0.1 kWh per robot.

“We wanted to take another step forward by choosing the best that logistics management has to offer, a technology that, to date, had not yet been applied to the management of spare parts in the sector for wood technologies – says Luca Maggiani, Service&Parts Business Development Manager at SCM -. Autostore is a system offering typical e-commerce performance, that not only brings spare parts to the operator, but works with top-quality performance and speed. From here, the partnership with Swisslog to devise a solution that fully satisfied our needs”.

“Handing over the right spare part in the shortest time possible: this is the technological challenge that drove SCM to put their trust in such an advanced system – adds Alessandra Benedetti, Customer Care Manager at SCM –. This clearly shows how this Group continues to invest to offer valuable services even after a sale. The customer remains at the heart of each of our decisions”.


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