15 Siempelkamp Plants accepted in 2021

Apr 4, 2022 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

GERMANY – In 2021, Siempelkamp had 15 plants accepted worldwide, most of the projects for customers in the wood-based materials industry.

977SIEMPELKAMP The acceptances in North America with five and in China with three completed projects set regional priorities. Two more systems were accepted in Turkey, one each in Thailand, Vietnam, India, Russia and Brazil.

The 2021 acceptances clearly reflect Siempelkamp’s positioning in the wood-based materials industry – 14 plants benefit this market, another one the composites industry. In the Asian market, the focus was on systems for MDF production, while other projects for chipboard or OSB production were implemented. In North America and Brazil, a short-cycle press system was accepted, as well as a multi-daylight system for OSB production in North America. All other systems for the wood-based materials industry accepted in 2021 will produce according to the ContiRoll concept.

“All of these successful acceptances are based on our very good preparation phases and the willingness of our commissioning specialists to work even under constantly changing travel and quarantine conditions. Where we were still limited, projects could be implemented by using the remote service for other system parts. Ultimately, each individual acceptance could only be carried out so successfully because the contact with all customers was so intensive and constructive. We would like to thank everyone involved very much for this,” says Jürgen Philipps, spokesman for the management of Siempelkamp Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH.


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