Excellent 2013 results for Eucatex, exports up 60%

BRAZIL - The performance of Eucatex, a leading producer of wood panels in Brazil - also active in the paint and varnish, laminate flooring, partitions and door manufacturing markets- exceeded expectations during the year 2013.

As a consequence, recurring net profit in 2013 reached a cumulative increase of 117.5 % to R $ 91.1 million, compared to R $ 41.9 million in fiscal year 2012. Only in the last quarter of the year, the result was R$ 24.6 million, an increase of 73.2% compared with the same period of 2012.

The Company grew faster than many market segments and achieved sales of R $ 1.1 billion, an increase of 16.1%. In the fourth quarter, net revenue totaled R $ 293.1 million, an increase of 10.7 % over the same period of 2012. "This growth in net revenues reflects the increase in exports, which grew by 60 % in volume compared to 2012. In addition, there was an increase of 11.2% in sales in the paint segment", explained Executive Director and Investor Relations Vice President, José Antonio Goulart de Carvalho.    


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