Promart and Sodimac Lead in Wooden Furniture Imports to Peru

Sep 10, 2017 | Retail / Distribution | 0 comments

PERU – By the end of june, Homecenters Peruanos(Promart), with USD 7.7 million and Sodimac, with USD 7.4 million, lead the ranking of importers of wooden furniture to Peru.

749 PROMART The consolidated imports of these two home improvement retailers accounted for 50.6% of the total imported wood furniture to Peru, which in 6M-2017 totaled USD 29.8 million (6M-2016: USD 32.5 million).

Imports of Promart, the brand under which Homecenters Peruanos operates, grew 24% over the first half of 2016. Meanwhile imports of Sodimac in 6M-2017 grew 68.4% compared to 6M-2016. The two leaders were followed by Saga Falabella with USD 3.9 million (6M-2016: USD 6.1 million) and Tottus Hypermarkets with USD 1.9 million (6M-2016: USD 825 thousand).

Brazil was the main supplier country in 6M-2017 with USD 20.2 million, which represented 69.8% of total imports of the segment. Followed by China (USD 3.3 million), the United States (USD 996 thousand) and Malaysia (USD 995 thousand).

749Peru Wooden Furniture Imports 201709.emf  



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