Falabella plans to open four stores this year in Peru

May 2, 2014 | Retail / Distribution | 0 comments

PERU – As reported by the Peruvian newspaper Gestion, Falabella plans to open four stores this year in Peru and repeat that number in 2015, with emphasis on the provinces and in outlying areas of Lima.

The goal would be to capture a larger market share and thus generate a significant increase in sales.

According to the newspaper, the Chilean company controlled by the Solari and Del Rio families believes that with the probable entry of more competitors to the market, the ideal is to continue increasing the number of stores to maintain their standard of sales.

Last January, the Falabella Group announced in Chile its organic growth plan for the period 2014-2017, which includes an investment of U.S. $ 4,100 million, with the aim of increasing its regional coverage and strengthen its logistical and technological operations.



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