Schattdecor presents its decors at ForMóbile 2018

Jul 9, 2018 | Manufacturers Materials | 0 comments

BRAZIL – In July, ForMóbile, the international trade fair for the furniture and wood industry, taking place from July 10 to 13 at the São Paulo Expo, brings together the key players in the Latin American furniture industry and Schattdecor will be present to showcase their latest decor trends.

790SCHATTDECOR Visitors to the fair get an insight into the latest trends that have been adapted from different lifestyle trends: Micro Housing, Smart Home, Community Zone and Ageless Living. At the Schattdecor stand (#D094) at ForMóbile, visitors can familiarize themselves with the lifestyle trends through a selection of designs, patterns, and colors for various target groups.

Schattdecor AG, headquartered in Thansau, Germany, was founded in 1985. In fiscal year 2017 the company generated sales of around 700 million euros. In South America Schattdecor operates a printing and impregnation plant in São José dos Pinhais (PR), Brazil.




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