Rehau president awarded state medal for services to the Bavarian economy

May 7, 2018 | Manufacturers Materials | 0 comments

GERMANY – On 23rd April, Bavarian State Minister for Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology Franz Josef Pschierer awarded Rehau Group president Jobst Wagner the State Medal for special services to the Bavarian economy.

781REHAU 1 This is the highest personal distinction that the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs can award.

In Bavaria alone, polymer specialist Rehau employs around 6,500 of the roughly 20,000 staff worldwide. The family company was founded by Helmut Wagner in 1948 in the Upper Franconian town of Rehau; since 2000, in the capacity of president, Jobst Wagner, son of Helmut Wagner, has led the supervisory board of the company group of which the turnover last year amounted to over 3.5 billion euros.

Furthermore, state minister Pschierer acknowledged the commitment of Jobst Wagner for his special contribution to the positive economic development of the region of Upper Franconia and for his voluntary and social commitment.

By being awarded the State Medal, Jobst Wagner follows in the footsteps of his father Helmut Wagner, who was previously also the recipient of this special honor. After the ceremony, Jobst Wagner appeared delighted: “It is a great honor for me to be a holder of this state medal.”


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