FIMMA Maderalia’s bet on contract furnishings

Sep 23, 2019 | Manufacturers Materials | 0 comments

SPAIN – FIMMA Maderalia 2020 is committed to contract furnishing with its new MAC project, ‘Materials and Components for Contract’.

851FIMMA It is a space with a prominent role in FIMMA Maderalia’s exhibition area that includes all aspects related to the world of contract, also known as commercial furniture. The objective is to open the profile of the professional visitor to the world of prescription, architecture and design.

One of the highlights of the MAC project will be the ‘Tailor Hotel’ installation, developed by the Valencian design studio EstudiHac of designer José Manuel Ferrero.

As Ferrero explains the ‘Tailor Hotel’, “Will be the central axis of the new FIMMA Maderalia from which a whole visually powerful installation will be generated where the materials, textures and color of the products of the participating brands will come alive, giving rise to a sensual experience, an elegant and enigmatic, colorful and communicative hotel”.

The installation will be structured in a hotel divided into four important transparent areas. Open on all sides it will include a combination of the recent novelties of the selected brands under a new approach, creating a minimal design language to reflect the spirit of each brand and provide a simple but visually attractive background for each material with a new vision of the future.

But the MAC project is much more than the ‘Tailor Hotel’ installation. The project will make the area available to various private initiatives of the exhibitors themselves to hold different meetings, conferences, talks or presentations that address the latest trends in the complex contract segment. Likewise, a ‘retail’ zone will be located with innovations for the equipment of stores and distribution points.

With this, FIMMA Maderalia, which will be held from March 10 to 13, 2020, continues with the path that began in the last editions in which it expanded its range of action from the traditional segment of suppliers for the wood and furniture industry towards a much broader concept of materials, solutions and technology for projects.


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