New Artecola Plant in Colombia Will Boost Growth

Oct 23, 2017 | Manufacturers Materials | 0 comments

COLOMBIA – Brazilian company Artecola Química inaugurated a new adhesives plant in Colombia. Located in the San Jorge Industrial Park in Mosquera, 10 kilometers from Bogota, the new plant promises to be the most modern of the adhesives segment in Latin America.

ARTECOLA With a total area of 28,000 m² and 11,000 m² of constructed area, the new factory enables the immediate increase of the company’s market share by 10%, which is 20% in Colombia and 7% at the regional level (Mexico to Brazil). This investment is designed to supply the local market in addition to the markets of Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Bolivia, the Caribbean countries, among others. Artecola produces adhesives for the furniture, footwear, graphic arts, automotive and packaging industries as well as the do-it-yourself segment.

“Colombia offers an ideal geographical location for exports. In addition, local manufacturing is made necessary due to country’s geography and the country’s demography, which justifies the investment,” said Executive Chairman Eduardo Kunst. “Our strategy is based on this combination, working with plants as close as possible to our customers, and from them to serve a universe of 20 countries in Latin America,” adds the CEO.

The new factory has been carefully designed and built with bioclimatic criteria and high quality standards: 30% improvement of natural lighting and use of LED technology, with a substantial economy in energy consumption; almost 100% natural ventilation; in the initial stage, reuse of rainwater for the fire extinguishing system and deposit of 1,000 m³.

The biggest bet for fire prevention begins in the architectural project, with fire break walls up to 14m in height, through the structure of the fire extinguishing equipment, that also includes the separation of materials according to their flammability characteristics, as well as automated foam systems that suffocate fires in shorter times.

The new plant in Colombia will also strengthen Pegatex Artecola’s positioning in the market, with better services and lead times. New products will also be launched, with a growing focus on sustainability and growing markets, such as the do-it-yourself lines.

The director of Artecola Química, Lisiane Kunst, highlights the company’s commitment to simplicity, both in strategy and in the profile of new product launches. “We want our products to be close and easy to use. We offer practical solutions with which we want to reach with increasing force the Colombian market,” she emphasizes.






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