Artecola Extrusion Triples Factory Size in RS and Partners With Austrian Senoplast

Oct 9, 2017 | Manufacturers Materials | 0 comments

BRAZIL – Artecola Química brings important news from its Extrusion area, the company’s business specialized in plastics and special laminates for various markets, including the furniture industry. The first news is the partnership with the Austrian Senoplast, a world reference in co-extruded technology for the automotive, furniture and sanitary segments.

Artecola RS The other is the expansion of the Caxias do Sul (RS) factory, which will go from one to three production lines by 2018. “With that, we will have an important products portfolio and we will have the plant with greater production capacity in extruded laminates in the state,” highlights Executive Director for Industry, Evandro Kunst.

The partnership between Artecola and Senoplast will initially be commercial. “We will bring products that today do not exist in the Brazilian market in terms of quality and technological differentiation, such as ABS / PMMA sheets that do not need finishing or painting in the subsequent thermoforming process,” Extrusion Business Manager Fabio Mondardo explained. This partnership will also allow the transfer of technology that will be perceived by the market with the offer of new materials to add value to the customers’ final products. “The partnership with Senoplast creates the possibility of being the first company in Brazil to dominate five layer coextrusion technology,” says Mondardo. The technique allows the manufacture of sheets with high gloss and greater resistance to the weather, tear and temperature, among other aspects. “We can combine various types of plastic materials into the five layers, adding cost reduction and performance enhancement to our customers’ finished products,” he explains.

The other news refers to Artecola Extrusion of Caxias del Sur that will now go from one production line to three lines in operation by 2018, becoming the largest co-extrusion plant in Rio Grande do Sul. The second line will be installed immediately, and the third next year. These are production lines that were in the Paraná unit and are migrating towards Rio Grande do Sul following competitive strategy, allowing the expansion of productive capacity and logistic gains. To absorb the change, the headquarters in Caxias do Sul will go to a new location. In total, there are nine lines in operation, between Brazil and Mexico, prepared to produce more than 1,500 tons / month.

The Extrusion business operates with special plastics and laminates for application in the furniture, automotive, bathtubs, acrylic sheets, tiles, toys, luggage and accessories, among others markets.

With nearly 70 years of history, Artecola is considered the 6th most internationalized Brazilian company (Dom Cabral Foundation Ranking). It operates with 11 production plants in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Mexico, from where it covers 23 countries in Latin America.






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