President Macri’s Forestry Initiative will allow the creation of 100 thousand jobs

Jul 2, 2018 | Markets | 0 comments

ARGENTINA – President Mauricio Macri announced a reforestation plan of more than 60,000 hectares per year, which will mean “a huge contribution to caring for the environment” and will enable the creation of some 100 thousand jobs in the Argentine Northwest.

789ARGENTINA1 The Head of State made this announcement by presenting the Green Insurance Project that eliminates the use of paper in automotive policies and allocates 1 percent of the value of each to the law that encourages reforestation and development of native forests.

“This is a joint endeavor between the public and private sectors. It is very important that we get used to being a team,” President Macri in an act he led in the Corrientes town of Paso de la Patria after holding a meeting with representatives of the insurance sector.

Macri said “there are 11 million paper insurance policies a year in Argentina, summing up cars, motorcycles and trucks.”

“That is why we have developed at the Superintendence the digital policy that will allow, on a voluntary basis, for insurers to transition to that system.”

He remarked that “at the same time that generates a saving of 1,100 million pesos, that through this voluntary contribution we will begin a forestation plan of 62 thousand hectares per year” equivalent to eleven times the city of Mendoza.

“In addition, that will create 100 thousand jobs in the Argentine Northeast, especially in Corrientes and Misiones,” he said. This boost to forestry represents the starting point for the industry to incorporate added value to the product, for export purposes. “Exporting is something we need to do every day more to strengthen our country, our economy and our economy,” he said.

With the application of this project, each car, motorcycle and cargo truck that generates carbon dioxide will provide resources to mitigate the effects of gases, through the Forest Promotion Law.

The initiative is promoted by the Insurance Superintendence of the Nation, together with the Ministries of Production, Environment and Sustainable Development and Agro-industry, plus the main national companies of the sector.

In addition to contributing to the care of the forest heritage, it will enable the country to meet the objectives of sustainable development and the goal set to move from 1.3 million hectares to 2 million hectares by 2030.

The funds will come through non-refundable contributions to 18 thousand small and medium-sized forest producers in the country and will generate around 100 thousand jobs.

The Green Insurance is complemented by the Digital Policy initiative ( that the Superintendence is developing together with the Ministry of Modernization, with the objective of replacing the traditional paper documents.

For companies, this means savings of 1,140 million pesos that annually allocate to the printing, assembly, shipping and archiving of policies.

In this way, the “MiArgentina” application will allow drivers to show the current coverage on their cell phone, as well as facilitate control and provide greater flexibility in procedures.

At present, in Argentina there are 11.3 million policies that insure 10 million cars and trucks, and 1.3 million that insure motorcycles.


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