Peruvian Particleboard Imports Remained Stable

Jul 24, 2017 | Markets | 0 comments

PERU – Peruvian imports of Particleboard / MDP in the first half (6M) of 2017 remained stable totaling USD 37.07 million, a 0.7% increase compared to 6M-2016. The surprise in the period was the sharp 17.2% drop in shipments from Ecuador.

tableros 201701

Despite a 17.2% decline in the first half of 2017, Ecuador remained the main supplier of particleboard to the Peruvian market, with orders totaling USD 14.17 million compared to USD 17.12 million in the same period In 2016. Particleboard / MDP imports from Chile, Peru’s second supplier country, increased slightly (0.7%) to USD 12.88 million in 6M-2017 (6M-2016: USD 12.78). Spain was the third supplier to the Peruvian market with shipments for USD 5.14 million in 6M-2017 compared to USD 4.18 million in the same period in 2016 (+ 22.7%).

Among the top particleboard suppliers to Peru, Brazil showed the strongest growth in the first half of 2017, totaling USD 4.78 million, more than double compared to 6M-2016 (USD 2.38 million).

Regarding the exporting companies, Ecuador’s Novopan was the leading supplier to the Peruvian market in the semester, followed by Chilean manufacturers Arauco and Masisa.


Peru PB/MDP Imports by Origin

January-June. USD-FOB

Source: Notifix/Sisduan



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