LivingKitchen presents the life of the future

Sep 15, 2018 | Markets | 0 comments

GERMANY – The future of the traditional kitchen has changed more dramatically in recent years than in the 30 years previous. And it is continuing to change rapidly.

800LIVING1Where is this transformation taking us? It is primarily three things that are advancing the development of the kitchen into the modern focus of life: innovations in device technology, trends in design and the changing cooking and eating culture, according to Matthias Pollmann, Vice President Trade Fair Management of Koelnmesse. Only all three together define the kitchen of tomorrow, and in LivingKitchen you will see it.

At the international kitchen event in Cologne, LivingKitchen, the new event program will therefore focus on these themes from 14-20 January 2019. The three event formats of Future Technology, Future Design and Future Food Styles will deal with future forms of kitchen equipment and design, but also with the question of how we will live in future.

The trade public and end consumers are interested not only in kitchens with an increasingly homey style, but also in themes like modern nutrition concepts and new technologies. Anyway, the kitchen is today more than simply a place for cooking together – it stands for a lifestyle.

The LivingKitchen trade fair may primarily be a business platform and stage for product innovations, but also increasingly sees itself as a forum for discussion of the question of the future of the kitchen. With everything related to that. Kitchens have seldom looked so different and had as many different functions as they do today. Similar to back then with the invention of the Frankfurt Kitchen, it is also once again today a laboratory of different lifestyles, and thus a mirror of societal transformation.



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