Global MDF market tops 96 million cubic meters

May 1, 2018 | Markets | 0 comments

WORLD – In 2016 the global MDF market amounted to 96.4 million cubic meters, posting solid gains over the last ten years. In value terms, in 2016 the market reached USD 38.5 billion, which was about the same level as 2015, according to a report by IndexBox.

780MDF Production of MDF reached 97.5 million cubic meters in 2016; a relatively flat trend from 2007-2009 was followed by a steady growth through to 2016, which, however, decelerated over the last two years.

In value terms, global production of MDF was estimated at USD 38.5 billion in 2016, which was 4 percent less than the highest level of production achieved in 2014.

The value of production dropped in 2009 by 12 percent, followed by recovery and further growth over the next four years, until it fell again.

China was the country with the highest volume of consumption (55.2 million cubic meters) in the world. Other major consumers included Turkey (4.7 million cubic meters), the U.S. (4.2 million cubic meters), Brazil (3.8 million cubic meters) and Poland (3.1 million cubic meters).

China was also the main world MDF producing country with an output of about 57.7 million cubic meters in 2016, which accounted for 59 percent of the global output. The other major producers were Turkey (5 percent), Brazil (4 percent) and Poland (4 percent).


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