German furniture exports up 17 percent in 9M-2021

Nov 22, 2021 | Markets | 0 comments

GERMANY – In the first nine months of 2021 (9M-2021), German furniture exports had grown by 17 percent to 6.2 billion euros, figures from the Federal Statistical Office show.

960ALEMANIA “It is pleasing to see that all divisions were able to achieve double-digit growth,” says Jan Kurth, Managing Director of the German Furniture Industry Associations (VDM/VHK).

Growth was highest in kitchens (up 19.6 percent) and upholstered furniture (up 15 percent). Compared to the pre-crisis year 2019, German furniture exports are also up by around 10 percent.

“The export business of German furniture manufacturers has developed surprisingly positively in the first nine months of this year,” says Kurth.

France, the largest sales market for German furniture manufacturers, developed most strongly. Sales of German furniture to the neighboring country climbed to around €1 billion in the first three quarters of 2021 (up 30.7 percent). There were also increases in Switzerland (up 12.2 percent), Austria (up 17.3 percent), the Netherlands (up 12.5 percent), the United Kingdom (up 21.3 percent), Belgium (up 12.9 percent), Italy (up 20.5 percent) and Spain (up 22.8 percent).

The German furniture industry also expanded its business outside Europe. Furniture sales to the United States increased by just under 7 percent. A small increase of just under 2 percent was achieved in China and a rise of just under 9 percent in Russia. Overall, German furniture manufacturers generated almost a third of their sales (32.8 percent) abroad in 9M-2021.

Furniture imports to Germany continued to develop dynamically, increasing by 18.8 percent to 7.4 billion euros. China continues to rank first among the supplier countries. Imports from the People’s Republic rose at an above-average rate of almost 41 percent, while Poland, in second place, was only able to increase by 6.6 percent. The higher imports from Vietnam (up 33 percent), Turkey (up 33 percent) and India (up 78 percent) are also striking.


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