Eco-Friendly Building Materials are Transforming Ecuador’s Construction Sector

Sep 9, 2024 | Markets | 0 comments

ECUADOR – The construction industry is a major environmental contributor globally, accounting for about 39% of CO2 emissions, primarily due to material manufacturing like cement. However, the shift towards sustainable practices is gaining momentum.

Daniel Sotalin, Management Assistant at Novopan, the country´s largest wooden panel manufacturer, emphasizes that sustainable construction aims not only to reduce environmental impact throughout a building’s lifecycle but also to use resources efficiently and promote community well-being.

In Ecuador, green materials have become a cornerstone of the construction industry. The National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC) reports a 15% increase in the use of sustainable materials over the past five years, driven by public policies and private sector interest.

In light of World Sustainable Construction Day this September, Sotalin highlights several popular green materials in Ecuador:

  1. Certified Wood Panels: Sourced from responsibly managed forests and certified by organizations like FSC, these panels are sustainable, excellent thermal and acoustic insulators, and fully recyclable at the end of their life cycle.
  2. Recycled Concrete: Produced from crushed concrete waste, this material reduces the need for virgin aggregates and minimizes landfill waste.
  3. Eco-Friendly Bricks: Made from a mix of earth, sand, cement, and water, these bricks require less energy to produce and improve thermal insulation, reducing CO2 emissions.
  4. Green Paints and Coatings: Formulated with natural materials and free from volatile organic compounds (VOCs), these products enhance indoor air quality and reduce environmental pollution.

Sotalin concludes that Ecuador’s growing commitment to sustainable construction materials is promising. “As awareness of the importance of eco-friendly options increases, we can move steadily towards environmental preservation and the well-being of future generations,” he says.


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