Dario Corbetta, new Acimall director

Dec 13, 2013 | Markets | 0 comments

ITALY – Dario Corbetta has been appointed to new director of Acimall, the Italian woodworking machinery and tools manufacturers’ association, during the board meeting held last December 5.

The new role of the Milan-born manager is the final step in his long career in the association, which he joined in 1991 after working at Ucimu-Sistemi and the multinational corporations Continental and 3M. As manager of promotion activities for Italian woodworking technology around the world, Corbetta directed the association’s Studies office and, since 2010, has been serving as marketing manager of Xylexpo, the biennial international exhibition organized by Acimall. Corbetta is taking up the new role one year after he was appointed to deputy director. 

“I am proud to take up this new challenge”, said Corbetta after his appointment. “In my agenda – he added – there are two major tasks: first of all, the next Xylexpo, the biennial exhibition of woodworking technology organized by our association, scheduled next 13 to 17 May. It’s an international event of paramount importance for “made in Italy” technology, whose promotion is my second mission and a priority for our association. Especially in this season, when the Italian market still offers poor satisfaction and our companies export over 80 percent of their production.”

Corbetta – born in 1958, married with two children, a university degree in mechanical engineering and a master in business administration from the Milan Polytechnic – succeeds to Paolo Zanibon, who served as general manager of the association since 1978. 


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