China’s particleboard and fiberboard production capacity

Mar 22, 2021 | Markets | 0 comments

CHINA – The National Planning and Design Academy for the Forest Products Industry has released an analysis of China’s particleboard and fiberboard industry.

925CHINA According to the report an additional 16 particleboard production lines with a production capacity of 3.09 million cubic meters per year were in operation nationwide in 2020. There were 329 particleboard production enterprises and 348 particleboard production lines distributed in 24 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China by the end of 2020, with a total production capacity of 36.91 million cubic meters per year, down 3.5% from the end of 2019. The average single-line production capacity further increased to 106,000 cubic meters per year.

25 particleboard production lines were being built in early 2021, with a total production capacity of 6.75 million cubic meters per year. There are particleboard production lines under construction in the seven main regions , including 18 continuous pressed production lines with the total production capacity of 5.72 million cubic meters per year, accounting for 84% of the particleboard production capacity under construction.

15 fiberboard (MDF) production lines were built in 2020 adding 2.76 million cubic meters per year of capacity. There were 392 MDF manufacture enterprises, 454 production lines in China distributed across 25 provinces, cities and regions by the end of 2020. Total production capacity was 51.76 million cubic meters, down 1.3% from the end of 2019. The capacity per production line rose to 114,000 cubic meters per year.

The total production capacity of fiberboard in China declined slightly after two consecutive years of growth. China shut down, dismantle or stopped production in about 118 fiberboard (MDF) production lines in 2020 eliminating about 7.88 million cubic meters of production capacity per year.

There were 136 continuous pressed fiberboard production lines in China by the end of 2020 with a total production capacity of 26.92 million cubic meters per year, accounting for 52% of the national total fiberboard production capacity. Plants are distributed in 19 provinces (regions), with the top seven being Shandong, Guangxi, Hebei, Hubei, Anhui, Guangdong and Henan.

22 fiberboard (MDF) production lines were being built in China in early 2021 with the total production capacity of 4.86 million cubic meters per year.  The fiberboard production lines under construction will be put into operation from 2021 to 2022 and it is expected that the national total fiberboard production capacity will reach 55 million cubic meters per year by the end of 2021.


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